Reasons to Add Stock Images of People to Your Business Promotion Materials

Marketers have long discussed how images can influence key business metrics like average time on page, conversions, and form submissions. Of course, not all images are equally effective; some may underperform, while others excel. How does this happen? From a psychological point of view, people are drawn to images of others, a fact deeply rooted in our subconscious.

By leveraging this insight, you can enhance your marketing endeavors. Dive into this article to uncover three psychological theories behind the effectiveness of incorporating images featuring people in your promotional campaigns. You will also learn where to download high-quality stock pictures of people licensed for commercial use.

Find licensed pictures of people on Depositphotos.

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Why stock photos of people are efficient in marketing

Lack of trust is an issue in online business. Unlike in physical stores or face-to-face consultations, buyers cannot touch products or engage directly with consultants. Yet, as social beings, our decisions are profoundly shaped by interactions. Photographs of people help address this challenge by tapping into the subconscious and facilitating the formation of emotional connections.

FAQ: What do all people have in common from an emotional point of view?

Without exception, all people can feel basic emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. They allow humanity to express its state and motivate actions. Moreover, unlike animals, humans can also experience complex emotions, e.g., love or guilt. They are necessary to form a personal evaluation of what is happening. Human emotions can be a powerful tool in marketing. This phenomenon is related to mirror neurons, which prompt inner responses to others’ reactions. For example, watching a horror movie drives you to worry about the main characters. That’s why using photos of joyful people with their purchased items on a site can evoke positive associations and streamline buying decisions.

Here are the top three social theories explaining how portraits and other photos of people work in marketing.

Social connection

Since ancient times, humans have banded together in communities for survival. Thus, beyond basic physiological needs, people also crave connections with others. Without communication and a sense of belonging, they can even experience physical distress. Moreover, the human brain is wired to derive satisfaction from social interactions.

When incorporating images of people in your marketing materials, you convey that there are real individuals behind your business. This fosters empathy and trust.

For example, the Signal v. Noise blog shared the findings of an A/B test that showcases the effects of using images of people. After redesigning a landing page to include a person’s photo, the form submission rate increased by 102.5%.

Social proof

With the rise of the internet, marketers and companies have bombarded consumers with advertising, which is now seemingly everywhere—on physical banners, websites, and social media platforms. This saturation has made people increasingly skeptical of such marketing efforts.

Nevertheless, human psychology holds significant sway in marketing, relying on social proof. As the market becomes flooded with products and services, decision-making becomes more daunting for consumers. Yet, human nature seeks simplicity and adapts to its surroundings. In simpler terms, people tend to trust the opinions of others over advertisements. This explains the surge in popularity of influencer marketing.

Studies indicate that 62% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product after seeing customer photos. This is due to the opportunity to gain insight into product features that may not have been immediately obvious. You can harness this insight in your marketing efforts. For example, in your testimonials section, feature authentic photos of satisfied customers who have purchased your products. If you’re just running your businesses and haven’t yet attracted a loyal customer base, consider using stock photos of people to showcase that this product can be accessible and appealing to a wide audience.

FAQ: What things are common in people’s physiology?

From a physiological standpoint, all humans have basic needs—air, water, food, sleep, and a comfortable temperature. To maintain this balance, the human body constantly seeks homeostasis. All systems uphold this state of biological equilibrium, including circulation, respiration, and digestion. Besides, the human nervous system tends to focus on relevant stimuli only, and marketers need to be able to guide this attention. Since individuals are inherently social creatures, using photos of other people can be an effective way to captivate attention.

Social comparison

The social comparison theory suggests that people compare themselves to others to gauge their social standing and role. For example, individuals might measure themselves against colleagues, relatives, or celebrities, shaping their interpretation of events and situations.

In marketing, this theory is often leveraged to promote luxury goods. For example, if you see your idol wearing items from a specific brand, you’re more likely to desire them as well.

This theory also taps into the fear of appearing worse than others, as was discovered by researchers. It can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Six experiments were conducted among Chinese students to explore this phenomenon. Participants were prompted to recall instances where they looked better or worse than others, and then they were presented with a variety of products and services. The results showed that participants tended to prefer options that would elevate their social status.

FAQ: What cultural things do people share in common?

Regardless of their beliefs and faith, every person has cultural traditions that shape human morality. Of course, rules may vary depending on the country, but an individual needs to understand that they belong to something greater. For example, some cultures believe in a single creator—like Allah in Islam— while others embrace entire pantheons of deities, such as Hinduism in India. Beliefs can also shape social structures. For example, while North America tends toward individualism, valuing independence and personal achievements, China prioritizes collectivism. If you aim to connect with your customers, begin by understanding your target audience. Then, select photos of people that resonate with their cultural backgrounds.

Where to legally download a picture of someone

Custom photo content production is time-consuming, even for well-established businesses. Moreover, consumers are often hesitant to have their images used as social proof on social media or for online promotions. In such cases, you can use stock content marketplaces. These image banks feature a wide range of visuals with people licensed for commercial projects. Content authors upload their ready-made works with model releases to the library, while you can buy them for a small fee.

Depositphotos is one of the largest stock content marketplaces with 6M+ stock photos featuring a person. To find a suitable visual for your project, simply input related keywords into the search field. You can refine the results based on specific criteria such as gender, age, ethnicity, image point of view, number of people, etc. Depositphotos content is available under a royalty-free license, allowing you to purchase a file once and use it in multiple marketing campaigns.

FAQ: What does everyone in the world have in common from a philosophical point of view?

People are constantly searching for the meaning of life, which is different for everyone. Each person frequently wrestles with existential questions like “Why am I here?” and “What truly matters to me?” Having a purpose serves as a guiding light, motivating individuals to get out of bed in the morning. People also value being surrounded by “kindred spirits,” which is applicable to brands. If your target audience resonates with your values, they are more likely to purchase from you. If your company promotes diversity, you can showcase it with images featuring people from various backgrounds, cultures, or walks of life.

Wrapping up

Understanding human psychology is key to boosting marketing conversions and sales. The social nature of consumers is particularly influential, as individuals seek validation for their thoughts and aim to present themselves positively. Utilizing images of people in marketing can significantly impact outcomes, but it’s crucial to choose visuals that align with your audience’s values. Make sure to browse stock content marketplaces like Depositphotos to download licensed materials for your marketing efforts.

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