Lynne Hart, St. Louis’ real estate expert, shares her passion and expertise in the city’s diverse real estate market.

Lynne Hart is extremely passionate about St. Louis’ neighborhoods! She started off her career in business as an executive however, she wanted to leave the corporate world to do what she loves. She started investing in condos and houses, which generated money and made her realize her love for the industry. Lynne finally obtained her real estate license and is now a successful real estate professional in the city of St. Louis. Learn more about Lynne Hart’s success story by reading her exclusive interview with PropertySpark below!



When did you start your career in real estate?

I became a real estate investor gradually over time, with a beginning in the early 2000’s. I bought my own home as a condo for $80k. Three years later with only $5000k of improvements, the market changed so that I sold it for $150k!! That got my attention. Over the following 10 years I bought a few houses, fixed them up and sold them, and bought a multifamily and became a landlord. My homes were always investments that generated money and were also live-in rehabs from that point on. I had a successful career in business as an executive, but eventually wanted out of the corporate life, and made a big change to do what I loved! I got my real estate license and began selling real estate – all that experience with contracts, negotiations, customer service and managing others really made a powerful combination to create a great real estate business!



Please also in 2 short lines brag about yourself, if you really had to impress someone about what you do, what would you say?

I am skilled at finding solutions and negotiating desirable outcomes for my clients. I use problem solving skills to go the extra mile for my clients and that means I can find whatever property they need, and/or get their home sold exactly the way they want, as well as help them define what it truly is that they desire! More than 2 sentences, but the best couple of compliments I’ve gotten recently are “I chose you because I see on social media that you make things happen and knew you could deliver what I want” and “I chose you as a realtor because you are incredibly responsive and you’ve provided me with significantly more information about the properties I’m interested in as compared to the person I was previously working with. You really know your stuff when it comes to investment property.”



Comparing your business from back then to now, what has been the main thing that allowed you to expand your business?

My success is based on my performance, I have clients who refer me and I am a natural networker. I can connect you with whatever you need if I don’t provide it, and I follow up on my relationships. I enjoy working with people so just being who I am and following up with my clients past present and future, working hard to understand what they want and then delivering that is essential. As well, its essential to be available and responsive. I’ve heard so many times that other real estate agents don’t answer the phone or follow up, and I can’t imagine that’s a successful path. How would you win business if you don’t take the time to talk to clients?



What’s the most profitable aspect of your business, why do you think this is and how can others apply this to what they are doing?

My ability to a) build relationships and b) I’m always thinking of a creative way to provide a solution or create business. I ask “why” a lot and reply with “what if” a lot and that brings up unique solutions that create sales!



How do you work? (Do you wake up early, work late, communicate, what jobs do you do yourself, who do you talk to, etc.)

I really beat to my own drum depending on what’s going on in my business. I prefer to work during bankers hours and tend to turn my phone off to have a life in the early evening on many days. If there’s a need to do something early, I do that, but if I feel like I want to sleep in and nothing is urgent in my portfolio, then I do it! I have a virtual assistant and also a contract to close assistant so I can stay focused on my customers rather than paperwork, etc. And, we’ve just hired our first team member, who will be taking buyer leads to help us sell even more (I’ve had a surplus and not done a great job keeping up with all the leads, but we’re fixing that)!



When did you realize you were successful/made it and how did you feel/celebrate?

I don’t know if that has had a specific day or event for me. I’m happy to have a great income and plentiful business. I usually feel most successful when someone tells me WHY they chose me and it has something to do with my skill set or approach. I use that feedback to do even better and do that “thing” more!!



Looking back, what could you of done sooner to of got to that point quicker?

I could have made the jump to real estate full time way earlier!



What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?

It’s not a one size fits all approach so each person will have their own way to success. Figure out what that is, where you are gifted, and focus on developing that.



What do you consider the main differences between those people who have been successful in your industry and those who have failed?

I don’t have the typical success path. A lot of early coaching and direction I received was to do cold calls and try to get business. I never did that, it isn’t my style. I was able to see business in a different way that works for me. Even within my team, our relationship and the way we work is unique to what other teams do, from the commission to the workstyle to the expectations. I don’t want to be like everyone else…we stand out by being unique!



How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?

I would say its had a profound effect, but one that’s a little hard to measure. I don’t get as many leads directly from one thing I post on social media as I do from the presence I create and the fact that people know me. It certainly helps me to build relationships and brand myself, so that when someone decides to think about a real estate move, I cross their mind! It’s also a great tool for creating relationships with colleagues and referral partners in addition to clients. My business is national and global, and social media is essential in building and maintaining my long distance business relationships! If you are moving to another state, or country, or just want to buy a Caribbean vacation home, I have the network to make that happen for you!!



We hope you’ve learnt a great deal about becoming a successful real estate agent. Make sure to reach out to Lynne Hart for a phenomenal and a one of a kind experience in buying or selling real estate in St. Louis!

Check out Lynne Hart’s Facebook page here:
Check out Lynne Hart’s website here:
