A professional who is out to inspire, educate and innovate the Real Estate Market. Teaching and guiding people on how to live a financial free future. Being a resource for a whole family or individual to help them achieve their goals HOLISTICALLY.

 Vancouver, BC

Park Georgia Realty

What inspired you to start in real estate and how did you motivate yourself to keep going?


I have personally grown up around real estate and real estate investing. Being from a mixed family, I was able to see a rich dad poor dad outlook from a young age. Fascinated by what my one side of the family did to create long term wealth and financial freedom for their families, and what my other family did financially was totally opposite. When you grow up around something, I feel like you either learn to love it, or learn to hate it. Ultimately, I learned to love Real Estate. Now that I am able to help families create their own journey and story, using my guidance and experience is truly gratifying. I don’t need any motivation to keep going, this is like a game to me and I can play it all day!


Comparing your business from back then to now, what has been the main thing that allowed you to expand your business?


Comparing my business back then is tough. I really jumped out of the gate very quickly when I hit the Real Estate market. Being less than 2 years in the business, I would say my business real started to take off when I realized what works and what doesn’t work. Where you should spend your time and where you shouldn’t. Once, I figured out what was working, I went all in on that. Continually growing and learning, innovating and being strategic in my practice. The one thing that has never changed is doing what is BEST for my clients, and by that I mean TRULY doing what is best for them. That has allowed me to generate the most business while ultimately getting more referrals and making my day to day more enjoyable creating amazing friendships along the way.


What’s the most profitable aspect of your business, why do you think this is and how can others apply this to what they are doing?

Giving your clients true expert advice and guidance. This can not be understated! This comes with from true experience and knowledge. You cant fake this with real estate magnates and professional clients. Knowing your product, market is very important as many clients will have spoke to many different Realtors. What makes you stand out?! At the end of the day, clients will always choose the agent who they feel like has the most knowledge in Real Estate (Unless it is family you are competing with). .


When did you realize you were successful/made it and how did you feel/celebrate?

Success has always been about how many people talk highly about me behind my back. Success is not monetary but it is achievement based for me. Everyday I celebrate by doing what I love and that is helping people build wealth through Real Estate or getting into their first or forever home. There was never a time that I felt like I made it but maybe buying my first property!



Looking back, what could you have done sooner to get to that point quicker?

I do not believe in regrets but if I could change anything I would of started Real Estate sooner and not went to University, that being said I may not of been as successful and mature if I hadn’t. Never look back.



What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?

Focus on your clients and not the money! 


How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?

Social Media is very important in this day to day. As I continue to expand and influence, I am looking to hire a full time videographer to follow me around and run all my media pages. (Insta, FB, Youtube, Tiktok) This is my huge goal is to be able to influence and do Real Estate everyday on Social Media and have someone professional do what they love is create a story and editing amazing content. (The recording and editing is not my forte, but the camera is). This will ultimately be the biggest thing for my personal brand! I hope Property Spark will see my influence I have already and believe in my future growth potential of my passion and what I look to achieve on Social Media in the near future. (I haven’t even got started in my eyes!)


How did you build your team?

Because I am an active speaker at the University of BC helping and guiding the top professionals to achieve long term wealth. This has brought me a great array of young talent wanting to dive into the Real Estate world but wanting to have me as a mentor. From there I interviewed the talent and continue to do so and see if it is the right fit for me and my clients.


How did you become a good leader?

Being born and raised in a family of leaders, it most of rubbed off on me. It was a gift that I was born with and can’t say anything other than luck. I can not be proud of this gift, but I can be proud of the hard work I do everyday to continue being able to lead people to greater success than what I have achieved hopefully in the future.



Did You Experience Failures? If So, What Did You Learn From Them?

I did experience failure, when I first started a lot of clients will question you as being too young, not experience enough or try to push you around because they are much older. I have learned to believe in myself, to not let anyone throw you down to the point you cannot get back up, I have learned that when you are confident in your ability and that you know in your heart you are providing your clients the best service out there, then you should have no reason telling everyone what you do and how you can help. When you know everyone you talk to you are able to help them, will ultimately bring you success if its that person or the next. That is what I learned. Always give and not expect to receive, is the best advice I can give.



What do you consider the main differences between those people who have been successful in your industry and those who have failed?

This is a very easy question in my opinion. A lot of people get into real estate for the wrong reasons. It is a career and a lifestyle. Many people get into this job to make money, and ultimately this will lead you to the exact opposite outcome. Real Estate is a huge part of my life and a massive passion, if this wasn’t the case, I truly believe I wouldn’t be successful.


What’s Your Approach To Marketing?

Exposure, Exposure, Exposure, mixed with a lot of credibility and word of mouth providing the highest level of service, professional and respect. “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want”.



Final Thoughts

I would like to Thank you Property Spark for choosing me as the #2 Agent in Vancouver. I promise I have not even started being a social brand and influencer for the Real Estate market, the youth when it comes to inspiring, educating and influencing. The youth deserves a role model that is doing all the right things when it comes to lifestyle, health and business.

Being heavily involved with influencing, speaking and guiding the young professionals at the University of BC has provided me a lot of insight of how much the youth need a true role model.

I hope PropertySpark will believe and see my future ability to be the #1 Agent in North America or Canada on Social Media. I look forward to seeing the results, but one last saying. Everything will be ramping up very quickly and I hope you can believe what is to come will be making a HUGE impact and wave in Social Media and there will be no one like me in Vancouver and Canada. Thank you for your time and consideration.

“I am just getting started”

Sean Fox

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