She specializes in selling coastal properties and she makes it with professionalism and a smile.

 San Diego, CA






What inspired you to start in real estate and how did you motivate yourself to keep going?


In college I found that I had an affinity towards finding rentals for myself and friends – the thought of exploring new homes and neighborhoods excites me to the core. Shortly thereafter, I became the assistant to the #1 Realtor in San Diego, she was ranked 6th in the nation, and there is where I learned that this job fits my personality perfectly. When I branched out on my own after a year, it was tough but I had faith in myself even after 11 months of not making one sale and working 7 days a week. I cold called, door knocked, shadowed other agents I respected, and I helped people out here and there to keep my head in the game. I’ve never been a stranger to failure and I knew that if I stuck it out it would be worth it one day.

Top 20 Austin Real Estate Agents On Social Media


Comparing your business from back then to now, what has been the main thing that allowed you to expand your business?


The fact that I can incorporate old school and new school marketing techniques helped get my name out there. My main goal was to make sure people connected my name to real estate which is when I incorporated a campaign called “Market Crush Monday” where every week I highlighted a new property that I thought deserved some praise. I continue to do videos and have evolved to “Doorway of the Day” which is a fun way to post stunning properties I find all across the county. Because of social media, I have been able to post about my passion and in turn it helps my business. It’s a win/win!



What’s the most profitable aspect of your business, why do you think this is and how can others apply this to what they are doing?


Most of my profit comes from referrals which is a true testament to the service I provide. In any business, it’s important to genuinely care about those you work with so my advice is to take on only what you can handle in order to give the most superior version of yourself. I make sure to never take on new business if I’m not completely prepared to give that buyer or seller my all. I think others could apply that mindset and find it very useful. Quality over quantity will actually provide more business down the line.



When did you realize you were successful/made it and how did you feel/celebrate?


In 2016 I successfully sold my first 6 listings and represented 5 buyers. This was enough to provide a comfortable living which was quite different than the struggles I faced in 2015! I felt successful because I finally felt free and on a path I knew I could enjoy for a lifetime. There’s no better feeling than that, and I’m very fortunate that I’m now many years down the mine and still loving what I do.

Top 20 Austin Real Estate Agents On Social Media


Looking back, what could you have done sooner to get to that point quicker?


I guess I could have walked into every grocery store in the town and shouted on a microphone that I was a realtor and was ready to help anyone in there buy or sell. I think that’s the only thing I didn’t try! Haha I honestly did everything I could have – the first year in real estate is really going out of your way to make sure everyone knows you’re committed to this path, and committed to doing right by your clients. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be able to trust their realtor and in order for them to do that, the realtor has to wholeheartedly trust themselves.



What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?


I think everyone should be open to trying every avenue which could potentially earn you business. Door knocking, cold calling, open houses (when we can do those again), posting photos and videos on social media – this business really rewards those who are shameless and dedicated to pursuing a path. Persistence is the most important characteristic needed in order to expand your business especially when it comes to follow up.



How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?


Social media is the number one way I get business and I think it’s attributed to the fact that when you land on my page, you get a great idea of who I am as a person as well as who I am as an agent. I could pretend like my job is all that I do, but that’s just not the truth. I travel, workout, spend time outdoors – because those things make me happy and when I’m happy I’m able to show up the most for my clients.

Kara Kay Real Estate Agent


How did you build your team?


I met my business partner, Rob Donahue, in 2017 when we held an open house together. I quickly realized he filled in every gap I had in my business. He was able to talk to people in a way that I couldn’t, and he was so dedicated to the details. I knew we were going to work really well together and I’m proud to work alongside him. Our clients become friends and he’s one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to inventory and contracts. I think we’re both very fortunate to have stumbled upon such a solid partnership.



How did you become a good leader?


It’s a very young age I knew I was a good leader. I can be patient, I make decisions quickly, I have compassion, and I’m a great listener. I became a manager of a bar downtown at age 21, then went on to become a captain of the Charger Girls. These two endeavors set me up to learn how important it is to lead by example and although I don’t necessarily have a team underneath me, I think leadership qualities in an agent are very important because we really are leading every transaction.



Did You Experience Failures? If So, What Did You Learn From Them?


I’ve experienced so much failure in my life that I’m almost numb to rejection at this point. I set out to be a student at UT Austin, and didn’t get in. I went to SDSU instead and made the very best of it. I tried out for Charger Girls when I was 18 and didn’t make the team. I tried out again when I was 23 and became Rookie of the Year which led to a 3-year career and was voted MVP by my peers. My family suffered the consequence of the 2008 recession and we lost everything. I took it upon myself to help support my dad. When my business didn’t immediately take off, I had about a million passing thoughts that I wasn’t cut out for real estate but I never gave up. Because of all the times I’ve faced adversity, I know that right around the corner are brighter days if I just keep pushing ahead. I’m a very positive person and can see the silver lining in any major catastrophe.



What do you consider the main differences between those people who have been successful in your industry and those who have failed?


The people in real estate who don’t make it become a victim of their own mind. As with any business venture, there will be times you don’t think you’re cut out for it because things aren’t happening easily. It’s the people who are thankful it doesn’t come easily and push through adversity no matter how hard it gets that are the ones who get to see the success on the other side. If it was easy, everyone would do it, right?



What’s Your Approach To Marketing?


My approach to marketing is to portray an accurate version of myself. I try to convey my passion and my dedication through very clean and to the point marketing. I like to make some posts fun to show my personality and bring some life to an industry that in years past has been viewed as a bit stuffy. I believe that people want to work with realtors who are true to themselves and will look out for their best interests along the way.



Final Thoughts


Anyone who reads this article in its entirety, thank you for taking the time to understand my story. It hasn’t been easy, but everything in life worth having doesn’t come easily. I’m thankful for my journey and I wish you all the best in yours!

You know what they say, if you want to sell today, call Kara Kay!

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