Interview with Amy Gregory – Real Estate Agent


Top producing agent and mom to 4, teaching other moms in real estate how to build a 6-figure business while driving carpool.

Mesa, AZ


eXp Realty



What inspired you to start in real estate and how did you motivate yourself to keep going?


I got my license in 2006 but had my first baby shortly after and didn’t pursue it for almost 10 years. In the meantime, I had a successful business where I interacted with fashion bloggers on a regular basis. I LOVED THEIR BUSINESS MODEL. They sold other people’s inventory for a small percentage and used Instagram to drive those sales. I loved the power of Instagram and had since real estate agents and fashion bloggers have the same business model, I saw an opportunity for an agent like me to have a huge advantage. I understood how to use Instagram and knew the female market drove home purchasing decisions. It was a match made in heaven. So I closed my other business, cold turkey and jumped with both feet into real estate. My rookie year, I was pregnant with baby number 4 and brought home 6-figures in about 10 hours a week. I’ve been using Instagram ever since to continue its growth.

Top 20 Austin Real Estate Agents On Social Media


Comparing your business from back then to now, what has been the main thing that allowed you to expand your business?


Instagram has always been my biggest growth lever, but combine that with the framework eXp Realty offers and it’s off the charts for an agent like me. There isn’t another brokerage that can position a solo part-time agent to scale like eXp Realty can.



What’s the most profitable aspect of your business, why do you think this is and how can others apply this to what they are doing?


The best thing I’ve done to increase profits is to build multiple revenue streams — all with little risk and little overhead. I’m not scaling transactions, instead, I’m scaling my knowledge and my national team. By skipping the burn out and overhead of a local team model, I’m able to invest in my own knowledge which I can then pass into my national team. When I’m not focused on handing agents fish, I’m able to better teach them how to fish themselves. Making this model unstoppable.



When did you realize you were successful/made it and how did you feel/celebrate?


Year 1 was the biggest surprise. It wasn’t an accident, I knew it would work, but it felt great knowing I’d hit 6-figures before October. I was able to deliver baby number 4 and take the last two months of the year off.

It’s fun to keep surprising yourself and it’s grown every year since.

Top 20 Austin Real Estate Agents On Social Media


Looking back, what could you have done sooner to get to that point quicker?


In hindsight, there really isn’t too much I would have done differently. I couldn’t know what I didn’t know and I’m grateful for the pace I’m going. It allows me to drive carpool and coach the volleyball team. Real estate will always be here, my kids won’t.



What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?


Social media. Learn it. It expands real estate past your local market and is meh for growth moving forward. Also…it’s FREE!



How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?


100% nothing has been more important in my business than social media. Real estate is a game of relationships. Whoever has the most relationships wins. Social media is where you can meet your friends.

Top 20 Austin Real Estate Agents On Social Media


How did you become a good leader?


Studied and put my ego aside. Listen more.



Did You Experience Failures? If So, What Did You Learn From Them?


Everyone does! It’s the best way to learn.


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