Hints And Tips To Renovate Your Bathroom For Added Real-Estate Value

One of the reasons homeowners remodel their bathrooms has been revealed by Statista. 31% of renovations take place because renovators want to improve the resale value of their homes.
It can be the single biggest thing you can do, in any room, to improve how much your home sells for on the real estate market. If you’re thinking seriously about a bathroom renovation so you can move home, here’s how to do it.

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Start with the plumbing

The first place to start is with the plumbing, as this is one of the main areas that can get potential buyers running for the hills, especially if it’s bad – and not functioning as it should. It doesn’t necessarily mean spending a fortune, but if you currently live in an older home it’s imperative to make sure that any old pipework that isn’t looking or performing at its best is replaced with new pipes that are clean and efficient. Whilst this won’t necessarily affect how quickly a home sells, it will have an impact on the value of your sale.

Renovate your tiles

One instant way of giving a fantastic makeover to a bathroom is to look at your tilework. Sometimes, a deep clean is all that it needs, and it’s amazing how much something like that can help to lighten, brighten, and lift a bathroom.

A great way to add an extra boost is to replace grouting and make sure that any silicon seals are freshened up properly as well.

Consider a walk-in shower

If you have more than one bathroom, you might want to consider focusing on just one of the spaces and repurposing it with a walk-in shower as it’s a real way to boost the value of your home without doing a full-scale renovation.

Bathtubs haven’t fallen out of favor or fashion, however, most homes only need one, and a walk-in shower can provide some extra ROI potential.

This one simple trick can make a huge difference to the look and feel of a bathroom and is a great way to makeover without re-doing the entire room.

These three simple hacks are great ways to upgrade a bathroom to improve the chances of it selling on the open market as quickly as possible, giving the best possible value. Renovations don’t need to cost a lot to give a fantastic return.

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