5 Best Practices for Email Marketing for Real Estate Photographers

Email marketing should not be underestimated as a tool for expanding your real estate repertoire. As a photographer, you know the importance of presenting yourself well to the public eye and that positive audience engagement is the key to marketing success.

The simple yet effective modality of email marketing ticks both of these boxes and more.

With their impressive ROI rate and accessibility, emails are the ideal way to showcase your real estate photography skills and encourage property sales.

However, with marketing practices constantly changing, knowing how to navigate the world of email marketing within the real estate industry can be challenging.

Below, we’ll explore tips for real estate photographers who want to expand their reach via email marketing.

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5 Best Practices To Embrace For Marketing Real Estate Via Email

According to research from Statista, email is the most relied-upon communication tool for Gen X and Millennial consumers, so it only makes sense to use it as a marketing tool for real estate.

Yet you need more than a good photograph of prime real estate to convert the average email user. A strategy is always necessary to help your photography find the right audience and ensure you experience the highest level of engagement possible.

Whether you work for an agency or as an independent real estate photographer, embracing some best practices will always be advantageous.

So, which ones should you embrace? Here are five:

  1. Plan ahead
  2. Email may be a powerful marketing tool, but that doesn’t mean it should be used excessively. In fact, many people find incessant emails—even when they feature quality photography—somewhat annoying, and that’s an emotion you’d rather leave outside your readership.

    Create a calendar for sending emails so that you can accommodate people’s preferred schedules and maintain some authority as a professional.

    Plan your emails to correspond with annual holidays, seasons, or current trends so that recipients feel connected to the ideas you are selling them. There are content scheduling tools you can use to optimize email planning and consistently share valuable information with clients.

  3. Maintain variety
  4. One of the best ways to keep your audience interested is to embrace variety. Real estate photography might not be as quintessentially creative as some other forms of photography, but that doesn’t mean you can’t experiment with fresh takes and perspectives.

    Keep your audience’s interest piqued by offering them a wide variety of different shots, angles, and property types. Don’t rely on the same old formula every time—be exciting and innovative about how you choose to curate your real estate photography.

    They say variety is the spice of life, and in this case, the adage certainly rings true. Don’t be afraid to shake things up and maintain a rotation of real estate photography styles.

  5. Prioritize visual quality
  6. Without quality photographs, you will undoubtedly struggle to win clients over. High-quality images are always important, no matter which kind of visual marketing you implement, but if you are a photographer, they become even more imperative.

    Quality control is key whether you are offering your services as a real estate photographer to agencies or simply sharing your work on behalf of an agency.

    The more visually stunning your photography is, the more likely a recipient is to click through the link. Make it hard for them to resist diving deeper by offering them consistently high quality content—thus showing off your photography and marketing skills simultaneously.

  7. Use a data analysis tool
  8. There are many digital tools we can use to optimize marketing practices across the internet. However, a data analysis tool is best for email marketing.

    Data analysis tools help you understand and visualize the performance of an email campaign, offering you invaluable insight into what audiences engage with most and what they’re happy to skip. Knowing the trends, patterns, and outcomes of your photography is important.

    Through these tools, you can learn what kind of real estate photography attracts the most engagement and what kind of audience members you are connecting with most. Once you have access to this information, creating impactful marketing emails becomes easier.

  9. Embrace newsletters
  10. Newsletters are the average consumer’s favorite type of marketing content to receive via email. They also are the perfect marketing material for inserting high quality real estate photography alongside relevant information that may compel someone to make an enquiry or purchase.

    If you have some design experience, you might consider using a newsletter design app to create beautiful, on-trend, effective newsletter designs that the people in your target audience can appreciate aesthetically and in terms of information.

    Newsletters should be sent out once every week or so to maintain consistency without bombarding people’s inboxes.

Bonus tip: Work with a designer

As a photographer, you likely already have a solid grasp of visual composition and aesthetics. While this will help you in many creative areas, from building your portfolio to choosing the perfect photographs of a property, it’s better to enlist the services of a pro for email marketing design.

Hiring someone to help you strategize your newsletters can be beneficial on a number of levels. Not only do digital marketing experts have the expertise to structure your emails and photographs in a visually pleasing way, but they can also take some of the more tedious aspects of email marketing off your hands. This will give you the time to focus purely on your photography.

Maximize Your Marketing With Emails

Real estate photography is a rewarding sector of the property industry that combines marketing and creative skills. Part of the job is showcasing your work in a way that people find accessible and engaging, but even the best of us need a little push sometimes.

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods for reaching clients, making connections, and drawing attention to properties on the market.

You can successfully harness the untapped potential of email marketing by creating a comprehensive marketing calendar, maintaining variety, focusing on relationship-building, and continuing to produce beautiful real estate photography.

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