Designing Your Home Office in 5 Simple Steps

The rise of remote work has made people think carefully about what’s important in a home office. Many of us didn’t have a choice but to start working from home, but didn’t have a great setup to do so; while some things may have worked in the short term, if you’re still working from home, it’s time to get serious about optimizing that space. Today, we’ll take a close look at the five steps necessary to design a killer office space that will make every workday a breeze.

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Step 1: Assess your needs

Are you a freelancer who primarily works alone? Will you need workspace other than a desk with a computer, such as a drafting table for architectural plans? Does your work involve a lot of conference calls? These are all things that you should keep in mind as you prepare to develop your office. Write a list of actions that will take place in your office and match them up to specific qualities that you know the space will need. 

Step 2: Choose the right location

Firstly, a coffee table or kitchen counter does not a good home office make: it should be a dedicated space away from other activities where you can focus entirely on your tasks. Your office should also be out of the way of your home’s foot traffic as much as possible to avoid getting distracted while working. 

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to claim an entire room as a home office, but there are ways around this. Choose an area of the house large enough for your desk and any other equipment that is also as far away from daily activities as possible; this could be a closet or a corner of a bedroom. Place partitions, such as screens, around the area so that there is a clearly delineated working space; you can even get acoustic dividing partitions, which add more sound muffling than other materials.

Step 3: Determine the layout

You want to place as little friction between yourself and your working tasks as possible, which means that you need to organize the space in a way that makes everything close at hand. Layout doesn’t just include which way your desk faces and how close your chair is, but also how your desk drawers are stocked, where you place your planner or other organizing materials, and how you utilize the vertical space around your desk to your advantage. There are plenty of great guides online that can assist you in designing the perfect layout for your own needs, and this will help you save time when moving everything in.

Step 4: Emphasize lighting and acoustics

When you’re on constant Zoom calls, it’s essential that everyone be able to see and hear you; that means you need to ensure that your home office has great lighting, minimally distracting backdrops, and good noise cancellation. 

Consider track lighting above your desk to reduce glare and provide good illumination at all times of day – and don’t forget that wall color also influences light levels. Whether you like cool or warm tones, choose a lighter version of your favorite color in order to ensure you have a light, airy effect.

When it comes to sounds, you could consider investing in white noise machines to reduce the sounds of your household. If it’s a serious issue, you can install acoustic panels on the wall; some of these are quite aesthetic, so don’t worry that it will look like you’re in a recording studio.

Step 5: Optimize your comfort with furniture and decorations

One of the best things about home office design is that because it’s your own space, you can organize it exactly to your tastes. There’s great value in being surrounded by items that enhance your comfort but that don’t take away from your focus, and a home office is an excellent opportunity to carefully determine what will make you happiest. 

You should invest in some excellent, high-quality furniture, including an ergonomic chair. After all, you will be spending a lot of time here as you’re focused on important tasks, so you want to make sure that you’re not distracted by aches and pains from poorly designed furniture. Adjustable desks are a great way to make sure that you’re keeping good posture as you work, especially those that can transform into standing desks as needed.

Finally, don’t be afraid to add some personal touches to your space: this is part of your home, after all, and it should feel warm and welcoming. Consider including a well-groomed plant, some family photos, and a nice paperweight that adds some flair. While desk toys like a Newton’s Cradle can be cute, they can also waste your time and distract you, so think carefully about your own fidgeting tendencies when deciding to add these.

A home office is a chance to expand your creativity and productivity at the same time; with intention and attention to detail, you can have the perfect working space that helps you reach your maximum potential.

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