In your Dashboard, click on ‘Properties’ on the panel on the left of the screen

You will be taken to the ‘Properties’ section. If you are adding a property for the first time, simply click on ‘Get Started’. If you have added a property before, simply click on ‘Add Another Property’ as shown in the image below.

Now, a pop-up would appear and you can start adding ‘Property Details’. First, add the ‘Address’, and then ‘Description of the Property’ (you can copy your MLS description). You can choose to add the ‘Asking Price’ if you wish as this is optional. Once done, simply click ‘Continue’ to proceed.

Click on the ‘Click or drag file to this area to upload’ and then choose images from your computer to upload. You can choose to add all images at once. If you want to delete any images, you can simply click on the image that has been added, and drag it back to the upload area. Once you’re happy with your images, simply click on ‘Continue’ to proceed.

After uploading images, you reach the final step. Additional details such as ‘Number of Bedrooms’‘Number of Bathrooms’‘Youtube Link’‘MLS number’ etc., are all optional details. If you wish to add any of the details, simply click on the link in blue, and the respective field will open up. Now, you can simply add values in the box accordingly. Once done, simply click on ‘Add Property’ and you’re done!

Please ensure the format of your Youtube and Matterport links are as follows:
Youtube link format
Matterport link format:

Once you click on ‘Add Property’, your property will be added in the ‘Properties’section as shown in the image below
