PROPERTYSPARK INTERVIEWS: Ecaterina (Katerina) Morosan, Real Estate Agent

Luxury real estate expert in NYC and Miami; EXP shareholder and sponsor.

Miami, FL


The Goldbar Team – EXP Realty




What inspired you to start in real estate and how did you motivate yourself to keep going?


I was born in a small town in one of the smallest countries of Europe, Moldova. More than this, I was raised in a studio with my parents and a cat. Growing up, I never had enough personal space. So going to my friends’ houses and visiting their rooms was something that excited me as a kid. Then, I realized that I like visiting other people’s homes and enjoying the space they have to offer. When I was a teenager, I moved to my grandparents’ house just to have my personal room. Although the house was far from the town’s main street and all the activities, I was happy to have my own corner sacrificing other commodities.

As a professional dancer, I started taking trips to larger cities and other European countries. I realized that when I grow up I want to be a part of a stone jungle. Then, I fell in love with New York. Seeing the skyline on a TV screen, I made it clear for myself that I’ll do anything to move to the greatest city in the world.
At the age of 21, I moved to New York ready to conquer the city. I started my real estate career in 2017 in NY and expanded my business to Miami in 2020. Until today, city skylines and estates motivate that girl in me to grow and give my future family that luxury of having a lot of space that I did not have.

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Comparing your business from back then to now, what has been the main thing that allowed you to expand your business?


When I got my real estate license, I did not have even one person in mind who would’ve wanted to buy or sell in the short period of time. I moved to the US as an adult without any connections in my market area. No high school friends, no family members, no former coworkers ready for a real estate transaction as I worked at low-pay jobs before getting into the new field. So, I had to start from zero, not to mention my fair level of English at that time. And it was a long time ago! Now that I am a part of a wonderful team and a sponsor to many agents in my downline, I understand that the main thing that helped me expand my business was relying on myself only and moving on even if life brings you back to point “zero”. “If Not Me, Then who?” has been always the main quote I keep on replay in mind.



What’s the most profitable aspect of your business, why do you think this is and how can others apply this to what they are doing?


The most profitable thing that you can do to your business is respective and responsive to your past and current clients. Good real estate professionals start living off referrals after 3 years of being in business. And no one will start referring business to you if your customer service was never your priority. You can be the most advertised agent in the area, but if you put transactions over relationships, your brand will not last long.



When did you realize you were successful/made it and how did you feel/celebrate?


For the first time I realized that I am a successful real estate agent and influencer when I went to a real estate event, and other agents started approaching me just to say “Hi” and thank me for being motivational and sharing my business tips and experience on social media. When you gain respect from other professionals in your industry, that’s when you can feel good about yourself and name yourself an expert. But it’s still too early to celebrate as my team and I have a long way to go and a lot of business goals to be accomplished.

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Looking back, what could you have done sooner to get to that point quicker?


As a real estate agent, I’m growing at a fast pace thanks to my team that supports all my beginnings. I’m happy with the rhythm we’re conducting our business at, and every step comes right in time as it should be.


What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?


To other real estate professionals, I would suggest looking at real estate industry through horizontal and vertical business integrations. You might be a real estate salesperson, but real estate is not only a buy-sell transaction. It has so many opportunities to offer when it comes to entrepreneurial sides of the field.



How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?


Social media plays a big role in my business. I met most of my business partners and friends through Instagram. And these partnerships led my business to where it is today. As a team, we’ve created a strong brand that gave a lot of opportunities to other agents who want to work side by side with professionals and to be mentored by the best experts in the market share. If your brand doesn’t have an online presence these days, does it even exist? Every person must have a personal brand in the Internet world regardless of their type of activity.


How did you build your team?


I met my current partner Jason via Instagram, and he convinced me to join The Goldbar Real Estate Team. As a business person, it didn’t take me long to analyze the offer and make a right decision. At this moment, I am a partner at Goldbar as well as an EXP sponsor to my personal downline of agents in the US and India.



How did you become a good leader?


Being a good leader is a learning process. At the end of the day, it all depends on personality match. People who work with me have the same energy and vision as I do. Otherwise, they’d work with someone else in the same field. As a leader, I took a lot from Nancy Packes, the President of Nancy Packes Inc, that consults with developers on all aspects of residential development. Nancy Packes became my first real estate mentor, and I still proudly work with the company on multiple real estate studies and projects as a real estate data researcher, market analyst and sales expert. .


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Did You Experience Failures? If So, What Did You Learn From Them?


In real estate, we all experience failures every day. From an unsuccessful cold call to a failed transaction. The main goal is to be there for your client and do whatever it takes to keep your client satisfied. And the main lesson here is to try many different ways to resolve a situation and go above and beyond before putting your hands down.



What do you consider the main differences between those people who have been successful in your industry and those who have failed?


Mindset. You have to set yourself for success in all aspects of your life. You can’t win at all of them, but your mindset will determine if you’re a go-getter or an average.



What’s Your Approach To Marketing?


As a team, we promote our team and personal brand. Our logo is recognizable among real estate agents as well as locals in our market share. Our team members are respectable by fellow real estate professionals. Our service is outstanding no matter the outcome of the transaction. And our main source of business is referrals from past clients and friends. And there is nothing better than word of mouth as your main marketing.



Final Thoughts

To all real estate agents: Be authentic. Everyone of us is a blend of personality and professionalism. As soon as you start acting genuinely, people with similar mindset and values will start attracting to you not only as an agent but as a future business partner.

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