8 Innovative Real Estate Social Media Strategies for 2024

The real estate market is in a state of flux, with transactions falling to 4.76 million last year and projections for this year only set marginally higher – both a long way short of the 6.89 million peak recorded back in 2021.

So for property professionals that want to buck the trend of sales slowdown, new ways of connecting buyers with suitable homes for their needs are a requirement. Social media marketing strategies step up to the plate here – so let’s talk about a few of the best methodologies that will let you knock it out of the park in 2024.

Top 20 Denton Real Estate Agents On Social Media

Prioritizing Automation

The revolution of automation in e-commerce, particularly noted in dropshipping models like those facilitated by Spark Shipping, provides a roadmap for real estate professionals aiming to enhance their social media impact. Automating an array of repetitive tasks means agents can focus on what truly matters – that being the building of client relationships and the closing of deals. Here’s how:

Scheduled Posts

Much like successful e-commerce stores schedule product launches and marketing content, real estate agents can use tools to schedule the publishing of property showcases and client testimonials to their social feeds. This ensures consistent visibility and engagement without requiring constant manual input.

Of course you need a baseline for engagement rates to measure any improvements seen after adopting automation for post scheduling – and luckily stats from Hootsuite show that for real estate show that real estate content earns averages of 1.34% on Instagram, 0.75% on Facebook, 1.27% on X, 1.34% on LinkedIn and 0.26% on TikTok. With this, you can work out whether you’re on the right track.

Targeted Advertising

Utilize automated platforms to analyze demographic data from your followers (age, location, interests) to tailor ads for specific groups. E-commerce professionals harness these insights to push products likely to sell; similarly, you could promote listings that align perfectly with your audience’s preferences.

Also focus on platforms that are most widely used for marketing – of which Facebook currently holds the top spot with an 89% slice of promotional pros picking this long standing, 3 billion user service for amplifying their campaigns.

Chatbots for Initial Inquiries

Borrowing from the e-commerce playbook where customer inquiries are initially handled by AI chatbots, implement similar technology on your platforms. Chatbots can provide immediate responses to basic queries about property details or viewing appointments, mimicking the swift customer service experienced in online retail.

While research into the impact of chatbots provides very varied results in terms of customer acceptance, there are strategies to streamline their implementation – including incentivising their use by offering discounts or special offers to clients that engage with them after clicking through.

Analytics Overhaul

Employ management tools that aggregate performance data across different posts and campaigns. Just as dropshippers review product performance before deciding further investments, this data allows real estate marketers to pinpoint which types of posts garner the most engagement and generate the largest volume of leads.

Putting Content Quality First

Social media success isn’t just about when you post, but what you post – and for real estate, you need an appropriate blend of relevant information and emotionally engaging storytelling to provide an appropriate level of quality to your audience.

Here are a few ways to do this:

Virtual Tours and Live Q&A Sessions

Step beyond standard photo uploads – perhaps by running virtual tours of your listings and hosting live Q&A sessions where potential buyers can ask questions in real-time, providing a transparent and interactive buying experience. This is particularly important given that live video engagement is higher than for pre-recorded clips by as much as a factor of 24 – at least on LinkedIn.

Customer Success Stories

Showcase testimonials and success stories of happy homeowners who bought their dream properties through your service. Content that highlights personal journeys creates emotional connections with prospective clients.

Educational Content

Share insights into the buying process, mortgage tips, or home maintenance advice. This positions you as a resourceful expert in the field, encouraging trust and loyalty among your audience.

Local Community Spotlights

Feature local businesses or events near your listings to give potential buyers a sense of the community they could be joining. This demonstrates not just an investment in properties but also in neighborhoods.

Wrapping Up

In short, if you want your social media presence to earn you more sales as a real estate pro this year, you need to combine automation with quality content – and pursue a range of different smaller strategies within each of these contexts – in order to see a marked improvement. While things might change in the future, for the next 12 months you’ll be well served by this advice.

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