Newcomer helping newcomers become homeowners.

 Ottawa, ON


eXp Realty




What inspired you to start in real estate and how did you motivate yourself to keep going?


I’ve always had an interest in the real estate market, and love meeting with and connecting people. I prefer working for myself and being able to control my own time, so real estate seemed like the natural fit. After my husband and I purchased our first home, I started to look into it as a career.

As anyone in the business will tell you, starting out in real estate is not easy! From finding leads, to creating and managing your business, negotiating, and all the paperwork involved, you need to wear many different hats… and you need to have thick skin! That is also what I love about the business though – it is never dull!

What kept me motivated was the support of the great team of people I work with. Real estate is one business where you get out of it what you put in to it. The harder you work, the more success you will see.

Mimi Do Real Estate Agent


What should other real estate entrepreneurs reading this be focusing on to expand their own business?


Everyone’s business is different, and what has worked for me may not work for everyone. That said, one rule all real estate entrepreneurs should live by is ‘do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.’

Whether it’s social media marketing, cold calling, or even old fashioned door knocking, you should be willing to try new things. Especially those things that scare you. For example, when I started out terrified of cold calling. But it’s how I got my first sales.



How has social media and online marketing affected your real estate business? How much more success have you had now after implementing social media and online marketing efforts?


Before I started in real estate I was a social media marketing coach. So, I’ve always been very aware of how powerful social media is and the impact it can have on one’s business and brand.

Having an active social media presence has had a massive impact on my business. I could not have achieved what I have in such a short time without it.

The key here is to be active and consistent. Many businesses create a social media account, make a couple of posts, and give up. It takes time and effort to see results. You need to consistently post content, and engage and interact with your followers.

And of course all of this has become even more important due to the pandemic. With meetings and networking becoming difficult or impossible, ignoring social media is no longer an option. I’ve had many new clients reach out to me, and have closed deals virtually with clients I’ve never met in-person – all through social media.

Mimi Do Real Estate Agent


How did you build your team?


Social media has also been a big factor in this. I’ve been very fortunate to connect with people who want to work with me as part of The Do Team. Most have followed my progress on social media, have similar goals, and wish to join and become a part of it.

I’ve also built a fantastic network of mortgage brokers, home stagers, contractors, inspectors, lawyers… and whoever my clients may need during the buying or selling process.


Mimi Do Real Estate Agent


What do you consider the main differences between those people who have been successful in your industry and those who have failed?


It’s no secret that real estate is tough. Most agents fail in their first year.

A lot of people who enter the business are attracted to the high earning potential. But to succeed you need to love the business. And you need to love working with people and all different types of personalities.

Successful agents also realize real estate is not a 9-5 job, and nobody is going to tell you what to do. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to change are critical to success in this business. That means being available when your clients are. Giving up weekends to do showings, taking calls at all times of the day, spending late nights finalizing contracts… whatever it takes!



Final Thoughts


I truly believe everything in life happens for a reason. Work hard, stay humble, and tiny steps will build up over time. I would love to connect with you all and I’m happy to support you with your real estate goals.

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