4 Simple Steps to Take to Protect Your Home Against Property Damage
A home is a massive investment. So it makes perfect sense to go to every length to protect it.
Carrying home insurance is one of the most surefire ways to ensure that you can recover damages in the case of damage from a covered peril. However, having an insurance cover doesn’t absolve you of the responsibility of protecting your home against damage.
The good thing is that insurance costs often increase or decrease depending on how well you take the proper precaution to minimize risks. Below are simple steps that can help make a huge difference.
1. Contact a Property Damage Lawyer
If your home is damaged while you have insurance cover, you could recover compensation for damages from an insured peril. You could also recover compensation if the cause of damage is a result of actions or inaction of another party.
Often insurance companies or the at-fault party may not pay if you do not put up a fight. So, you may need to hire a property damage lawyer to tackle your property damage case on your behalf.
2. Leave a Substantial Space Between Your Home and Trees
Trees make a tremendous improvement in the aesthetics of a home. According to real estate experts, trees also add value to a property. However, they can sometimes damage your home.
First, their root system can compromise your foundation, causing a weak link in the whole structure. Also, trees and their branches tend to break during high winds, which could mean having them fall on your home and cause damage.
A good rule of thumb is planting tall trees more than 20 feet from the house and 15 feet for shorter trees. If you live in an area prone to wildfires, you will want to leave a broader space to have a fire barrier.
3. Check Your Water Connections Regularly
Often people think of water damage from the perspective of rainwater getting into the house. While rainwater getting into the house can cause water damage to your home, it is not the leading cause of water damage in homes.
The most common cause of water damage is the home’s water supplies system and connections. For example, if you have a dishwasher that has been running for a while, it is possible to have its connecting pipe bursting.
If you are not around the home when it bursts, the water spillage can cause massive damage.
So it is always best to inspect your water connections for weak points and leaks from time to time. Even a small leak, if unnoticed or repaired, can cause massive damage in the long run.
If you have to leave your home for a while, it’s best to turn off your water from the outdoor gate valve to eliminate any chances of burst pipes while you are away.
4. Beef Up Your Security
According to data from the FBI, a home is burglarized every 20 seconds resulting in over $3 billion in losses. While you may not eliminate the threat 100%, beefing up your security can help reduce the risk.
The first step in beefing up your security is ensuring you lock all the doors when you are not around or during the night. You may also want to go the extra mile to install security cameras.
Thanks to technology, it is possible to check on your home from any place as long as you have an internet connection. And that is not all; you can talk to an intruder through the speakers in the camera and let them know they are being watched.
Even when you may not have high-end security camera technology, the presence of cameras on your property effectively deters would-be burglars.
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